Render error for: MarketingError: Loading CSS chunk 2 failed. ( in r in g in Loadable in J in Unknown in Unknown in div in _ in e in e { "uiType": "Marketing", "locale": { "sellInCountry": "Country/ Region", "becomeAProvider": "Become a Provider", "checkMore": "Check More", "getStart": "Getting Started", "contactRequirementRequire": "Please enter your request", "pageTitle": "Lazada Service Market", "dontShowAgain": "Don’t show again", "signout": "Sign out", "description": "Description", "contactSubmitSuccess": "Information submitted successfully", "backToNewVersion": "Back To New Version", "recommend": "RECOMMENDED FOR YOU", "termOfUse": "Terms of Use", "notificationContent": "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"!!6000000003575-2-tps-668-400.png\" /></a>", "signin": "Sign in", "faq": "FAQ", "pleaseEnterKeyword": "Please enter keyword", "categories": "Categories", "contactMethod": "Contact Information", "contactMethodRequire": "Please enter your contact information", "all": "All", "contactUs": "Contact us", "serviceArea": "Service Area/ Region", "contactSubmitFail": "Failed to submit information, please try again", "privacyPolicy": "Privacy Policy", "documentation": "Documentation", "community": "Community", "apiRefer": "API Reference", "notificationButton": "JOIN US", "recentlyViewed": "RECENTLY VIEWED", "help": "Help", "contactRequirement": "Your request", "getIt": "Get it", "termsAndAgreements": "Terms & Agreements", "category": "Category", "support": "Support" } }
Can't find compoent by UI type Text